5gx Pro is an end to end valuation task manager, tracker app and report generation tool. It’s an easy way to capture property pictures, property coordinates and other property details on the application from the site but also generate reports in the respective client’s formats.STRUCTURED PROPERTY DATAIt enables creation of structured property data in your own cloud for future audits and analysis. CONTROL & RISK MANAGEMENTYou can define the rules and authority to device end to end control of the valuation process and minimize the risk associated with the property valuations. SEE EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACEGet a more complete picture of your valuation business. We bring together everything from number of initiations to report generation to invoice management. SAVE TIME & MONEYWith one place to keep track of your business, there’s no need to log into multiple excel sheets. Effectively manage resources, improve productivity and eventually bottom lines. Resources can access the valuations from wherever they are saving traveling time and time to do more site visits.